- 15 weeks!
- Still not sleeping through the night! She gets up usually around 1am and 4am ish.
- Starting to 'talk' and coo a lot.
- Loves when Ellie talks to her.
- Wants to be held (a lot). Grandpa Frank spoiled her when they babysat for 3 weeks.
- Has some really dry skin :(
- Is sporting a cute little mullet - her hair in the back of her head rubbed away, but she still has hair near her neck!
- Wears 6 months clothes!
- Loves her nukie.
- Ellie and I call her Maya Papaya or just Papaya.
- Jack just started saying Baby Maya, he use to call her Baby Yoyo!
- Nick calls her Poopaya.
- She is such a happy baby :)
How to Create Faux Reclaimed Wood Countertops
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