Meeko is already 5! I remember bringing him home at 8 weeks old. He slept the whole way in my arms and when we got home he slept in his new bed (on our bed of course). In the morning I picked him up to go peepee and he accidently went on the rug by the door because I was taking too long to get the front door open. oops! Meeko was also suppose to be a girl. I mean, I wanted a girl dog and there was only 1 in the litter of 6. When we went to see the puppies, I held Meeko and he sucked on my pinky and that is when I changed my mind. I didn't care that he was a boy and that I would have to buy new puppy clothes, I just knew he was the one:)
Meeko has such a good heart and soul. He barks a lot and sometimes acts crazy, but who doesn't?! There are so many good things about Meeko that outweigh his annoying bark, like...
- he eats the food Ellie drops on the floor and always helps clean up her high chair
- he's a great snuggler and makes a really good fur hat on those cold winter nights
- he doesn't mind Ellie
- he poops on command (seriously, it's an amazing talent)
- when he needs a bath - he'll just go in the shower and wait his turn to be shampoo-d
- he loves mcdoubles, ice cream and the best of all -
- he gives good kisses!!
Here's a picture of Meeko and Lucy napping. He kind of looks like a pimp dog here.
Here is a picture of Meeko a couple winters ago. This picture was one of the photos chosen in the Human Society calender. He was Mr. December!
i don't have THAT many nice things to say about bella, but her #1 perk is the fact that she (happily) cleans up cole's highchair, dropped food and puke.